Los Angeles, CA
Marker on Paper
Acrylic on Canvas
Sketch Grand Central Terminal
Sketch Gardens of Versailles
London, England
color_sketchback copy.jpeg
Seoul, South Korea
Providence, RI
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA

Using custom photography is a common practice.  It allows more control and customization for creating presentation boards and as a research tool for studying place and how people interact with their environment 

Marker on Paper
Marker on Paper

Sketches, for Climate Change Boards

Title: Community

Acrylic on Canvas
Acrylic on Canvas

Title: Boy Wonder

Sketch Grand Central Terminal
Sketch Grand Central Terminal

Hand sketch Marker on Paper for History of Adaptive reuse book


Title: Thank you

Sketch Gardens of Versailles
Sketch Gardens of Versailles
London, England
London, England
color_sketchback copy.jpeg
Seoul, South Korea
Seoul, South Korea
Providence, RI
Providence, RI
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA